Sustanon is the best steroid used by bodybuilders that is composed by 4 testosterone types. Testosterone isocaporate, testosterone propionate, testosterone decanoate, testosterone phenyl-propionate. Its unique features make it a preferred choice of users.
Sustanon has two features for the athletes to prefer this drug over the other. Together the effect of Sustanon is much better as compared to all other components making it. The results after Sustanon enters the blood stay for longer almost more than two weeks. It is best to be used on daily basis and also stay active for about 3-4 weeks.
Deca durabolin is one of the best steroids used to influence the bodybuilding efforts with low androgenic effects and high anabolic positive effects. Normal dosage of deca is 200-400mg and it needs to be taken one time in a week. Estrogen conversion becomes lowers with its use therefore women related concerns are not a big issue with this steroid. Some issues that may result along with its consumption include shooting blood pressure, disturbed cholesterol profile, and irregular release of liver enzyme.
Side effects of deca are also higher with higher doses. As deca may stay in the system for up to 18 months therefore it can be detected through testing. Better to be avoided by people who are going to have some testing in near future. Higher doses of deca may result in progesterone gynecomastia. Deca to e used in cycles is effective for quick recovery from injuries and also to make the joints strong. It is proven to enhance the bone mass and also synthesis of collagen. Bodybuilders particularly use this drug to get relief from painful joints or shoulders. It has also been the preferred choice of baseball players to lower the pain.
Expert consultation is very much needed before buying Sustanon or any other steroid because self medication can prove to be dangerous for health.
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