Saturday, 5 November 2011

Poker Addiction - The Dark Side Of Online Poker

An MRI revealed that the brain of a break head and a gambler look very comparable during play or receiving high. People just waiting for the government to come out with an ad saying that says, “This is your brain, this is your mind on online poker.”

Poker can be tremendously addictive when not gambling dutifully and one of the reasons it’s banned in so many countries and states in the USA. Poker can give you similar thoughts as that of being on drugs or pills. Look at the characteristics of most poker players and you can in the same way compare them to cocaine addicts.

Not everyone is laying face down to these problems because gambling problems don’t show their ugly heads in everyone but it can wreck some people’s lives. If you search phrase mobile phone bingo in google either on cell phone or on desktop system, you will get plenteous of results but before adopting any site’s offers make sure that they really mean their words and there is no hidden trick in their attractive words.

The Side Effects of Online Poker Addiction

 It seems that poker can source really bad nervous tension in your life and make you lose your craving. It’s like this weird stupor you can go in where all you think about is poker.

Having a full significant discussion with someone after or right before a poker session is unimaginable. You could be talking directly to them and they probably don’t even know you exist. It’s not that they don’t care its just that they’re addicted.

Remedial the Addiction

If you’re an addict you’re probably not looking too good in the mirror. First your body goes and then your mental state goes. Think to yourself, do you really want to be one of those people that don’t care about themselves and look like they just woke up in a garbage can?

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